WP Talents, is a free and open source directory of top-notch WordPress developers and agencies. We want to showcase talented people around the world to make it easier for you to find a partner.
WP Talents is a free and open source directory of top-notch WordPress developers and agencies. As such, we aggregate data from various sources and combine them with custom information. Using this data, especially the infamous “talent score”, we want to showcase talented people around the world to make it easier for you to find a partner.
Some frequently asked questions about our project:
What are the requirements for getting listed?
All you need is a WordPress.org user account with (hopefully) lots of data. Drop us a noteand we will add you as soon as possible. In the future, this might be an automated process.
Where can I change some incorrect data?
If you see broken links or missing data when viewing a talent’s profile, let us know via this specific form. In the future, you will be able to change your own profile.
Can I have a look at the source code?
We’re currently freshening up the code base, cleaning up all this mess from the late-night coding sessions. We let you know when it’s available.
How is the score calculated?
You’re not the first one to ask! It’s probably worth to wait for the source code so you can have a look at the mechanism directly. What we’re considering for the score at the moment: